Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First trip to Gram and Grandpa's house: My first steps!!

So I know this is totally awful but Tommy's first trip to Gram and Grandpa's (the Largays) did not occur until the child was almost a year old! I finished work at Bolles on November 14 and then my mom came and helped us pack (AGAIN) that next week. Then she rode with me and Tommy up to Atlanta and thank goodness I had her in the car! It only got ugly one time with a good meltdown in the backseat but for the majority of the 6 hour ride, it was quite pleasant. We spent the entire week of Thanksgiving at my parents' house and it was wonderful. You can see in the pics that Tommy has quite a few teeth now...to date I think he is up to 7. My brother and Katie came in town and it is the first time we have EVER all been together on a holiday! For whatever reason, Tommy felt the need to work on some lung development that week with some interesting sounds coming from him and his aunt and uncle nicknamed him Bonkers the Pterodactyl. Probably the most exciting news of all was that the day before Thanksgiving Tommy took his first steps!!!!!! We had a great time and it was such a gift to all be together!!! As you can see, Tommy is still fascinated by Uncle Ryan's facial hair. At that point, Tommy was in the pushing boxes and rearranging furniture stage.

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