Sunday, December 20, 2009

2nd Birthday

With Tommy and Catherine's birthdays only 2 days apart, this year we decided to do a family get together to celebrate for both of them, and then do a separate party for each of them. We all went to the club for Breakfast with Santa. Tommy was pumped to see his cousins, but absolutely terrified of poor old Santa. You can see how that went in the pic below...we even had Ryan sit on Santa's lap WITH Tommy to no avail. Hopefully next year will be better! But he got an awesome t-ball set from his godfather, Uncle Dan and a train table from Nana and Pops. This started a full week of complete spoiled rottenness, as the following weekend we did Christmas with Gram and Bampa AND his little friend birthday (will post next). Let's just say that Tommy now thinks everything that is wrapped is his, and that our playroom is completely out of control!

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