Sunday, December 20, 2009

Weekend of chaos

The weekend of the 11-13 my parents came in town to celebrate Christmas and Tommy's birthday. We started off the weekend with Tommy's Christmas program at his school that I actually hesitated to go to, not knowing how it would actually be. They had been practicing their "song" for weeks but I thought, really it will probably just be a train wreck and will he even perform on stage when people are watching? Well let me just say that we would have MISSED OUT if we hadn't gone. My mom and I were laughing so hard that tears were streaming down our faces. The kids were hilarious and so adorable and Tommy was a star playing his maracas! I included a couple pics of the performance including one with his best bud/girlfriend Annaross from daycare. I have tried a million times to upload some video but to no avail. I have to work on the technical difficulty. Then Saturday morning we woke up and had Christmas. Tommy got all sorts of great can see he got lots of book as always, along with play doh, a remote controlled car, DVDs and more blocks. And finally, Sunday morning we had his party and had a REAL fire truck come to the house for the kids to play in. We also decorated fire truck cookies and had lunch. I'd say it was a success! We thought Tommy was so beat after the party that he would sleep for HOURS and we got precisely a ONE HOUR nap out of him. Lucky for him he's so cute....

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